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  • What is your cancellation and no show policy?
    We have a 24 hour cancellation policy. To provide the opportunity for other customers to fill that space, we request a minimum of 24 hours notice to change or cancel an appointment or you will be charged in accordance to the fees below. By booking you are agreeing to the following policy: No cancellations or changes allowed within 24 hours of the appointment. Late (less than 24 hours notice) cancellations or rescheduling will incur a fee of 100% of the original booking value. Last minute (no show) will incur a fee of 100% of the original booking value. *In special circumstances above fees can be waived at management discretion.
  • What is your sickness policy? Do I need to cancel/reschedule my appointment?
    We recognise that both therapists and clients are vulnerable to illness and infection. We therefore ask that clients cancel appointments when they are feeling unwell. If you have anything that could be contagious including gastrointestinal symptoms or even the common cold we would ask you to please reschedule your appointment to a time when you are feeling well again. If you have tested positive for Covid-19 or been in contact with someone who has tested positive, your appointment will need to be rescheduled for after you have completed a 7 day self-quarantine period.
  • What payments do you accept?
    We accept cash, debit or credit cards and Revolut. We have a card reader on site and can also send Revolut link if you prefer.
  • Where are you located?
    Address: Finnisglen, Recess, Connemara, County Galway, Ireland, H91 CP04. DIRECTIONS: Departing Galway/Clifden: From the N59 road, turn up the Inagh Valley road R344 signposted for Letterfrack. Drive up by the lake for approximately 6.5 kms until you see a boat house on the left and a car park on the right. Turn up the road at the side of the car park signposted for Máméan and you will see our house as you reach the top of the first hill (1 minute drive). ​ Departing Westport/Letterfrack: From the N59, turn down the Inagh Valley road R344 signposted for Recess. Follow the road for approximately 9 kms until you pass Lough Inagh Lodge Hotel on your left. Take the next road on the left after the hotel (2 mins drive) up the hill beside the car park, signposted for Máméan and you will see our house as you reach the top of the first hill (1 minute drive). ​ If you have an issues finding the house on the day of your appointment just give us a call. Our numbers are listed on the website.
  • How can I make an appointment?
    We use online booking to make the appointment process easier, simply click on "book online" on the website and select which therapy you would like to make an appointment for, the duration and date of the appointment and select your preferred time from the selection available. Complete the quick form and you will get immediate email confirmation of your appointment time.
  • What if I am late arriving to my appointment?
    Please arrive on time for your appointment. Time for your appointment has been specially arranged for you. If you arrive late your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. We will do our best to provide you with the services you have booked, but we cannot guarantee the full time if you arrive late. Full payment for your scheduled services will be expected.
  • What is Energy Healing?
    Energy Healing is the clearing and balancing of the energy field around the human body (aura) and the energy centres within the body (chakras). There are more advanced clearing and balancing available also but this is it on a basic level. The chakra's, represent different emotions/areas of your life. See the image below as an example of some of the areas associated with these energy centres and what causes them to be balanced and unbalanced. Physical pains and ailments can also result from your energy being out of balance as well as mental, emotional and spiritual imbalances. When your energy is balanced it is easier to adapt and manage life stresses and pressures including work, parenthood and relationships.
  • What are the benefits of Energy Healing? Why would I book a session?
    Energy Healing is commonly used to assist with: ​ Stress, overwhelm, anxiety, grief, irregular sleep patterns, lacking confidence, clarity/focus, feeling flat or not yourself, people pleasing, feeling disempowered, lacking confidence, being indecisive, cutting ties to toxic relationships and environments to name just a few. When your body/mind/spirit are in balance all areas of your life seem easier and flow better. Energy Healing is a great way to relax, unwind and nourish yourself. After a session clients feel lighter, brighter, more in tune and feel able to take on the World.
  • What are the benefits of Massage and Dry Needling? Why would I book a session?
    Remedial Massage and dry needling are commonly used to assist with: ​ Chronic pain, muscle tightness, back/shoulder/neck pain or stiffness, sports injuries, jaw pain and clenching, muscle restrictions, mobility and flexibility, headaches and ease of movement. After a session, clients generally feel relaxed, energised, have more freedom of movement and less pain/restriction.
  • Are all treatment types included in the massage or energy healing session?
    Each massage and energy healing session is tailored to the client to meet their needs, each session may draw from a range of modalities at no additional cost to the client, except for hot stone massage which incurs an additional €20 and require pre-booking for heating and set up time. For more information on the types of modalities offered, please see the services page.
  • I have never had Energy Healing before - what does a session look like?
    I will greet you at the door at your appointment time and walk you to the treatment room. The room is en suite should you need to use the facilities. I will invite you to take a seat and we will discuss what you filled in on your new client intake form online when booking and any other areas of concern you may have. I will then get you to lie on the treatment table, on your back with your head on a cushion and I will cover you with some blankets so you are nice and cosy. All your clothes stay on but I usually ask you to remove your shoes, only if you are comfortable doing so. I will explain some of the methods I may use and some of the feelings/sensations you may have has the session progresses. Most people just fall asleep while I work on them and I have a chat towards the end about what came up for you during the session. Some sensations you may feel are: hot, cold, tingling, buzzing, feeling flowing sensations or blocks depending on what I am clearing. You may have memories pop up or emotions come to the surface while we are clearing but its just passing through to be released but like I said most people just feel so relaxed they sleep through the whole thing until our chat at the end. At the end I will explain what came up in your system and give suggestions on anything that may assist you going forward. Clients leave feeling lighter, brighter and feeling more capable to handle life's pressures.
  • Can I book a massage with Laura or an Energy Healing session with Ben?
    Laura is only available to be booked for Energy Healing appointments and Ben is only available for massage appointments.
  • How often should I get a massage?
    Depending on your goals, be it general health and wellbeing I would recommend at least once a month. If you are looking for an addition to your recovery program, I would recommend either weekly or fortnightly treatment, depending on your level of activity and goals.
  • How often should I get energy healing?
    I would recommend a session once a month to keep your energy clear and chakra's (energy centres) aligned. Life is very stressful for most so it is a great way to keep on top of your health and wellbeing rather than waiting for a build up or crisis before seeking assistance. At times of high stress or emotional disturbance I would recommend a few weekly or fortnightly sessions during these periods reverting back to less frequency as symptoms and stress subside.
  • Does Ben do pregnancy / prenatal massage?
    At the moment Ben does not offer prenatal / pregnancy massage as he is not trained in it.
  • Does sports massage need to hurt to be effective?
    It’s a myth that any form of massage therapy (even deep tissue massage) must be painful to be effective. Pain during a massage isn’t a sure sign that the massage is helping. In fact, pain can cause muscles to seize up, making it harder for the massage therapist to ease tense areas. Certain techniques, like trigger point therapy, usually cause soreness. Correcting a soft tissue problem (such as adhesions, tight attachments, and trigger points) can also cause some discomfort. However, if you don’t have a soft tissue condition, a massage shouldn’t cause soreness or pain. Open communication with your massage therapist is key to a massage that meets your needs. If you have an injury or chronically tight or painful areas, be sure that your therapist is aware of it before the start of the session. If the pressure is too intense, tell your massage therapist immediately so he can ease up.
  • Will I be sore after a massage?
    You may have a bit of local tenderness following a massage which may last for 1 - 2 days, this is normal. If it persists for longer, discuss with your therapist to change either the pressure or technique used to reduce this outcome.
  • Do I need to take my clothing off to have a massage?
    No, you can undress to your level of comfort. At minimum underwear will need to be worn during the massage and you are covered with towels/blankets. Only the area being worked on will be exposed and then re-covered before the next area is worked on. If you are not comfortable to take off any clothes, most massage techniques can be adapted to be done through clothing 'dry work', with a few exceptions.
  • Can I book a session (Energy Healing or Massage) if I have no particular 'issue' to work on?
    Absolutely. Many people just book in for Energy Healing for a general clear out and balance or for massage as a treat/unwind. Self care is so important to schedule into our busy lifestyles. 'You can't pour from an empty cup' so looking after yourself will not only benefit you but also those around you. Treat yourself today.
  • Is there parking?
    Yes there is ample free parking right outside the door of the premises. See 'Where are you located?' for more detailed directions and a picture of the house.
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